Friday, April 11, 2014

REAL Symposium 2014

It is the loss of memory not the cult of memory that will make us prisoners of the past.
- Paolo Portoghesi, After modern architecture, 1982

On the 29th of March, the 1st REAL (Re-Examining American Literature) Student Symposium devoted to “Historicity and Memory: Postmodern struggles with the past” took place. This event was organized by The American Studies Scholarly Circle Book Lovers Among Students (BLASt) and the Faculty of English at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. There were five thematically-oriented sessions: Historicity and the Visual Arts, Postmodern Visions of History, The Classics and History, Personal Histories/Family Dramas as well as the Afro-American History. Our key speaker was dr Jacek Partyka from the University of Białystok who gave a magnificent lecture entitled: “Toward ‘Archival’ Poetics: Records of Extreme Experience in Charles Reznikoff’s Testimony. The United States 1885-1890. Recitative (1965) and Holocaust (1975).” Our delegates from Toruń, Gdańsk, Katowice, Warsaw, Wrocław and Poznań set a very high standard and we sincerely hope that this symposium will give rise to an annual conference dedicated to American literature.
by Marta Makoś

You can take a look at photos, which, nevertheless, do not do justice to the brilliant atmosphere of this event:
